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来源:2exam.com 2015-11-23 21:03:10

往返旅行 round trip

单程旅行 outward journey

背包 shoulder bag

背包旅行者 backpacker

小提箱 suitcase

远足 excursion

旅游散客 independent traveler

旅游景点 tourist attractions/scenic spots

度假区/度假胜地 holiday resort

人文景观 human landscape

古建筑群 ancient architectural complex

名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites

自然景观 natural scenery

山水风光 landscape/scenery with mountains andrivers



郁郁葱葱 lush green /luxuriant vegetation

百花竞放 Hundreds of flowers contend to blossom

名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers

湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills

人间仙境 fairyland on earth

景色如画 Picturesque

人在画中游 traveling in a pictorial world


独具匠心 original design/unique pattern

光彩夺目 emitting radiant sparkles

光怪陆离 grouped into grotesque and colorful forms

赏心悦目 a feast to the eye


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